Dear 8 year old me,
Hi! It's been a while since I thought about you. But that's what I've been prompted to do this week, Stop for a moment, think about you, and decide on one thing that I would tell you if I could. So after some thought, what I most want you to know is this:
You are loved - wildly, truly, deeply by your Heavenly Father, and what's more, it has nothing to do with what you do or don't do. It doesn't depend on how well you behave, how much you please your parents and friends, and what all those around you think of you. It doesn't matter how pretty or clever or popular you are - our God doesn't care about those things!! He just loves passionately because that's who He is. And nothing at all that you can do can change that. He will never ever stop loving you, His thoughts and feelings toward you will never change. And you can not make Him love you more by doing all the "right" things. As I said, He will not stop loving you or love you any more (how can you be loved more by One who already loves perfectly??) despite what you do or don't do.
But since I can't go back and tell you all those things, I will try and tell those little ones in my life. Little ones - like my brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews but also my Compassion sponsor children. My Gokul, Sangita, and Vishwa. These three play such an important role in my life, and living in slums in India and rarely having enough to eat could make them think that they are not loved but they are! Loved by their Father and loved by me! And I want them never ever to forget that...
They are loved and precious and important!!
Love Me
If you would like to help rescue a child from poverty and the belief that no one loves or cares for them, this September is Blog Month with Compassion, and we are attempting to find sponsors for 3,160 children. So if you would like to help, just click here or here and help save a little one's life. You won't regret it!!
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